Custom Made Mattress of North Carolina
Custom Made Mattress of North Carolina
Memory foam mattress can have Memory, Latex, or Gel Memory foam in them.
Is a hybrid mattress that has a 609 coil, heavy needle pad, 1” foam, 2” Latex or Memory foam, and a 1-1/2” Super soft top cool cover
Memory Foam:
it has a 7” 2.5 high density foam base, 3” Memory or gel memory, and a 3/4” Quilted Cover or a 1-1/2” Super soft top cool cover
Memory Foam Mattress
The Ultraplush is the most comfortable and customizable mattress we offer. The springs provide greater comfort and last longer than the foam used in the memory foam mattress.
1-1/2” Super soft top cool cover
2” Latex Foam
2” Gel Memory Foam
Cut away view of Ultraplush
Cut away view of Memory Foam